2017.09-2024.06 中国地质大学(武汉) 地下水科学与工程(硕博连读)
2022.05-2023.05 Friedrich Schiller University Jena 矿物系(联合培养)
2013.09-2017.06 中国地质大学(武汉) 地下水科学与工程(本科)
2024.7至今 长江大学 特任副教授
[1] Jia, X., Kaufmann A., Lazarov M., Wen, B., Weyer S., Zhou, J., Ma, L., Majzlan, J., 2024. Antimony isotope fractionation during kinetic Sb(III) oxidation by antimony-oxidizing bacteria Pseudomonas sp. J1. Environmental Science & Technology. 58(26): 11411-11420. (中科院一区top, IF: 10.8)
[2] Jia, X., Majzlan, J., Ma, L., Liu, P., Fan, P., Li, W., Zhou, J. and Wen, B., 2023. Novel insights into the mechanisms for Sb mobilization in groundwater in a mining area: A colloid field study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 132212. (中科院一区top, IF: 12.2)
[3] Jia, X., Ma, L., Liu, J., Liu, P., Yu, L., Zhou, J., Li, W., Zhou, W. and Dong, Z., 2022. Reduction of antimony mobility from Sb-rich smelting slag by Shewanella oneidensis: Integrated biosorption and precipitation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 426, 127385. (中科院一区top, IF: 12.2)
[4] Jia, X., Zhou, J., Liu, J., Liu, P., Yu, L., Wen, B. and Feng, Y., 2020. The antimony sorption and transport mechanisms in removal experiment by Mn-coated biochar. Science of the Total Environment 724, 138158. (中科院一区top, IF: 8.2)
[5] 贾晓岑, 周建伟, 朱恒华, 余露, 张秋霞, 朱越, 2020. 招远金矿区水体中硫同位素特征及其对污染来源的指示. 水文地质工程地质, 47(5), 10. (北大核心 IF: 1.9)
[6] Majzlan, J., Jia, X., Lilova, K., Subramani T., Navrotsky A., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., 2024. Thermodynamic stability of selected ASb2O6 and A2Sb2O7 phases (A = Ca, Ba, Cd, Sr, Zn). Solid State Sciences 154: 107615. (中科院三区, IF: 3.4)
[7] Wen, B., Zhou, W., Liu, P., Zhang, Y., Jia, X., Gao, S., Zhang, F., Zhou, J. and Huang, J., 2024. Antimony isotopic fractionation induced by Sb(V) adsorption on β-MnO2. Science of the Total Environment 933, 172972. (中科院一区top, IF: 8.2)
[8] Wen, B., Zhou, J., Tang, P., Jia, X., Zhou, W. and Huang, J., 2023. Antimony (Sb) isotopic signature in water systems from the world’s largest Sb mine, central China: Novel insights to trace Sb source and mobilization. Journal of Hazardous Materials 446, 130622. (中科院一区top, IF: 12.2)
[9] Wen, B., Zhou, A., Zhou, J., Huang, J., Long T., Jia, X., Zhou, W. and Li, W., 2023. Sources of antimony contamination and its migration into water systems of Xikuangshan, China: Evidence from hydrogeochemical and stable isotope (H, O, S, and Sr) signatures. Environmental Pollution 337, 122381 (中科院二区top, IF: 7.6)
[10] Wen, B., Zhou, J., Jia, X., Zhou, W. and Huang, Y., 2022. Attenuation of antimony in groundwater from the Xikuangshan antimony mine, China: Evidence from sulfur and molybdenum isotope study. Applied Geochemistry 146, 105429. (中科院三区, IF: 3.1)
[11] Dong, Z., Zhou, J., Huang, T., Yan, Z., Liu, X., Jia, X., Zhou, W., Li, W., Finfrock, Y.Z., Wang, X. and Liu, P., 2022. Effects of oxygen on the adsorption/oxidation of aqueous Sb(III) by Fe-loaded biochar: An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Science of the Total Environment 846, 157414. (中科院一区top, IF: 8.2)
[12] 樊佩宽, 周建伟, 贾晓岑, 李琬钰,郑永康, 2024. 资江流域江水DOM三维荧光特征及其对锑迁移的指示意义. 水文地质工程地质, 51(3), 191-201. (北大核心, IF: 1.9)
[13] 李琬钰, 周建伟, 贾晓岑, 唐沛东, 2022. 湖南锡矿山锑矿区水环境中DOM三维荧光特征及其对锑污染的指示意义. 地质科技通报, 2022(004):041. (北大核心, IF: 1.7)